
During my BSc (Hons) and MSc in Animal and Conservation Biology at Napier University I developed a strong interest in the entomological world and habitat restoration. Later, my research assistant roles allowed me to provide my entomological expertise and engaged me with the scientific community. For these reasons, the next natural step in my academic career was undergoing a PhD program that links entomology with urban sustainability.
Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems
PI and Institution:
Gavin Ballantyne, Edinburgh Napier
PhD aim:
To understand the role of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) in the framework of pollination ecosystem service provision.
PhD objectives:
- Examine the variation in the abundance and composition of pollinators in urban habitats with and without SUDS.
- Identify habitat and SUDS features, including physical and habitat characteristics, water quality, surrounding vegetation diversity, that are correlated with abundance and diversity of pollinators.
- Examine the predictors of recruitment of pollinators to artificial egg laying sites (hoverfly lagoons) in urban habitats with and without SUDS.
- Trial eDNA techniques to survey aquatic pollinator larvae in hoverfly lagoons and SUDS and compare results with traditional survey methods.
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Andra_Opr
Conference presentations:
- International Congress of Arachnology Uruguay 2023 – Effect of species composition and stand age on spider (Araneae) and harvestmen (Opiliones) communities in Scottish managed plantations.
- 32nd European Congress of Arachnology 2021 – Spider community in relation to vegetation structure and urbanization pressures in a protected raised bog (Red Moss Nature Reserve, Scotland).
- Conference of Young Ecologists & Evolutionary Biologists 2021 – Spider community in relation to vegetation structure and urbanization pressures in a protected raised bog (Red Moss Nature Reserve, Scotland).
Other activities:
- Mentor – British Ecological Society Undergraduate Summer School 2022.
- Mentor – British Ecological Society Undergraduate Summer School 2023.
- Early career representative – British Ecological Society Events committee.