SUPER DTP logo and acknowledgement
The SUPER DTP should be referenced in acknowledgement on all SUPER DTP students’ publications, reports, presentations, websites, and stationary. The SUPER DTP logo should always be used in its entirety and should not be altered, cropped, or manipulated in any way. Acknowledgement of funding from the SUPER DTP and NERC should also be used when presenting or publicising work performed under a NERC SUPER DTP studentship.
The following should be used as written acknowledgement:
“This studentship has been funded under the NERC Scottish Universities Partnership for Environmental Research (SUPER) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) (Grant reference number NE/S007342/1 and website Additional funding has been provided by [names of HEI, Collaborating and/or CASE Partners]”.
You can also find information and downloadable links to the NERC logo on the NERC website.