My background is in maths and stats and I worked for a number of years as a statistician/analyst in the areas of economics and finance. In 2021, I took a break from work to complete an MSc in Applied Mathematical Sciences at Heriot Watt University. During my MSc, I developed a keen interest in mathematical biology and ecology which inspired me to apply for a SUPER DTP studentship at the University of Strathclyde.
Developing operational spatial models for Scottish fisheries
PhD aim:
- To develop an operational spatial model and apply it to real world fishery management problems. The project will contribute directly to Marine Scotland’s commitment to ensuring that commercial stocks are harvested sustainably, managed at an appropriate spatial scale and integrated within wider marine management.
PhD objectives:
- Computational improvements to the existing spatial model, ‘Honeycomb’, to ensure run times are sufficiently fast to allow multiple simulations of real world scenarios to be carried out.
- Implementation of a two-fleet version of the model representing the Scottish west coast Nephrops fishery to explore management scenarios in a situation of conflict between creel and trawl fisheries on the same stock.
- Implementation of a single demersal fleet version of the model to examine the effect of marine protected areas on stock sustainability and economic viability of target fleets.
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @LauraTamson
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomsonlaura/