I completed a BA in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge in 2018, and then a research MPhil in Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge in 2020. My previous research experiences have spanned from forestry to geophysical fluid dynamics, as I moved across subjects to follow my interest in environmental sciences.
Modelling the impact of spatial fisheries closures on commercially exploited shellfish stocks
PhD Aims:
- To characterise the distribution and demographics of king scallops around Scotland under different management strategies and test their resilience to climate change. This will help Marine Scotland in ensuring that commercial shellfish stocks are harvested sustainably and managed at an appropriate spatial scale
PhD Objectives:
- Map the presence of scallops in Scottish waters and compare this with data from industry
- Develop and parametrise a non-spatial dynamic energy budget (DEB) model for Scottish scallops
- Simulate and assess connectivity between scallop beds via numerical Lagrangian particle tracking
- Combine the DEB model with particle tracking and a population model to obtain a spatially explicit population model which explores the interaction between spatial fisheries closures and scallop stocks. This will be tested under different climate scenarios
Contact Details:
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @Rhei_Ammaturo
- Sept 2021: Won a MASTS/Ocean Frontier Institute award under the Scotia-Canadian Ocean Research Exchanges (SCORE) scheme – the final report can be read here.