Lea Riehn

During my time studying Marine Science with Arctic studies, I have gained experience in all marine-related sciences with my main research interest being physical oceanography. My Masters taught me more about programming in different languages, machine learning and the analysis of big datasets.

River Robots: Utilizing novel autonomous technologies, observations, and models to investigate freshwater coastal dispersion.

PhD aim:
To gain a better understanding of how boundary mixing in fjords affects the overall estuarine circulation.

PhD objectives:

  • Using an idealised setup of the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) to investigate how well boundary mixing is represented in a hydrodynamic model.
  • This idealised setup will also help to answer research questions on how boundary mixing is affected by tidal amplitude, wind state and river flow rate and what morphological features have the greatest impact.
  • Combining the model analysis with current meter observations from an ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle) and turbulence measurements from a Microstructure Profiler will help to validate model results and observe boundary mixing in situ.

Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/lea-riehn-977746207