Kay Ihle


When I started out my study trajectory, my interest kept switching from biology to physics and back again. I discovered I could satisfy both interests in the field of marine ecology. My research about changes in underwater light, and how these affect zooplankton, involves oceanographic field work and modeling.

Lighting up zooplankton – mapping marine light using robotics

PI and Institution:
Kim Last, SAMS-UHI

PhD aim:
Zooplankton is a crucial part of many marine food webs and plays a large role in the global carbon cycle. Light under water influences vertical positioning of plankton but is changing globally. This project has the aim to quantify the temporal and spatial scales of change in the light field that exist in a river to coast habitat, to quantify the effect this has on the zooplankton community using state-of-the-art autonomous sampling methods, sophisticated acoustic technology, and newly developed underwater light modelling approaches.

Contact details:
Email: : [email protected]
LinkedIn: Kay Ihle