Maria Clara Iruzun Martins

I have a BSc in Biological Sciences and MRes in Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation from University College London. I was also a guest student at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. My main interests concern how anthropogenic activity affect the ecology and behaviour of marine top predators.

Examining the human-predator interface of the North Sea: Interactions between man-made subsea structures, marine predators, and commercial fisheries

PhD aim:
To understand the relationships between man-made subsea structures (oil and gas platforms, windfarms), marine predators and commercial fisheries in the North Sea. Understanding the above relationships is critical to harmonising conservation of biodiversity with future resource management.

Research questions:

  • What is the magnitude and spatial scale of the effect of MMS on fishing vessel activity?
  • What are the relative influences of MMS and fishing vessels on the movements of top predators?
  • What areas of the North Sea are hotspots for predators?
  • What is the spatial overlap between the North Sea distributions of top predators, commercial fisheries, and the current and future MMS landscape?

Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @mci_martins


Martins, MCI, Miller, C, Hamilton, P, Robbins, J, Zitterbart, DP, Moore, M. Respiration cycle duration and seawater flux through open blowholes of humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and North Atlantic right (Eubalaena glacialis) whales. Mar Mam Sci. (2020). 1-20.   

Martins, MCI, Park T, Racicot R, Cooper N (2020). Intraspecific variation in the cochleae of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and its implications for comparative studies across odontocetes. PeerJ 8:e8916. 

Martins, MCI, Sette, L, Josephson, E, Bogomolni, A, Rose, K, Sharp, SM, Niemeyer, M and Moore, M (2019), Unoccupied aerial system assessment of entanglement in Northwest Atlantic gray seals (Halichoerus grypus ). Mar Mam Sci, 35: 1613-1624.